What is the Veteran’s Entitlement Act (VEA)?

Veterans who were injured in service before 1 July 2004 may be covered under the DVA Veteran’s Entitlement Act.

The Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 (VEA) covers service in wartime and certain operational deployments, as well as certain peacetime service between 7 December 1972 and 30 June 2004.

For peacetime service eligibility, a member who had not completed a qualifying period of three years service prior to 7 April 1994 is not covered under the VEA (unless they were medically discharged).

British nuclear test defence service during the 1950’s and 1960’s in Australia is also covered when the relevant criteria are met.

If you have an injury or disease arising out of, or aggravated by, a period of full-time service when you were covered under the VEA, you may be eligible for a Disability Compensation Payment and medical treatment.

You may also be eligible for compensation under the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation (Defence-related Claims) Act 1988 (DRCA) for the same disability and, if so, any compensation payable is offset against your pension. This is separate to and distinct from offsetting which occurs under the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA) and DRCA between incapacity payments and the employer-funded portion of any Commonwealth superannuation received.

If your claim is accepted by DVA, you may be eligible for the following:

Disability Compensation Payment:  The Disability Compensation Payment pension is tax free and payable for life, assessed in accordance with the Guide to Assessment of Rates of Veterans’ Pensions (GARP) and paid at a percentage of the General Rate for Disability Compensation Payment.

Special Rate or Intermediate Rate Disability Compensation Payment:  This pension may be payable to Veterans provided their degree of incapacity is 70% or more of the General Rate and their accepted disability alone has caused them to cease or reduce work and as a result, they are suffering a loss of income.

Extreme Disablement Adjustment (EDA):  The Extreme Disability Adjustment is paid to compensate former members/veterans who are severely disabled, aged 65 years and above who do not qualify for Intermediate or Special Rate of Disability Compensation Payment.

Additional amounts for specific disabilities:  Additional amounts may be available to provide further compensation for Veterans with certain service-related amputations and/or loss of sight, and who do not qualify for Special Rate.

Allowances:  Allowances may be provided to compensate for certain special requirements or situations arising from specific service-related disabilities. These allowances include an attendant’s allowance, clothing allowance, decoration allowance and recreation transport allowance.

War widow(er) pension:  The War Widow(er) pension is paid to compensate the widowed partners of veterans who have died as a result of war service or eligible defence service. A widow or widower is a person who was married or in a de facto relationship with the veteran immediately before their death and who has not remarried or entered into another de facto relationship.

Orphan’s pension:  The Orphan’s Pension is paid to compensate the dependent children of Veterans who have died as a result of war service or eligible defence service. Eligible children include natural or adopted children or children who were wholly or substantially dependent on the Veteran.