PSS and CSS Specialist Financial Advice Services

Cameron Teague, Certified Financial Planner from CTWealth, has been providing financial advice to PSS and CSS members since commencing employment as a financial planner with CSC Superannuation in 2013.
Given the complex structure of the CSS and PSS, it is very important to get specialist financial advice incorporating the CSS and PSS product into your overall retirement plans. 
The following provides an overview of the specialist financial advice services that Cameron can provide.

CSS 54/11 and Age Retirement

If you are a current contributing CSS member you may need to make decisions on 54/11 versus age retirement.

If you are a current preserved CSS member you need to decide the right time and way to take your benefit.

We provide comprehensive advice covering both of these issues for CSS members incorporating redundancies and their impact on calculations.


Calculate my PSS pension

This service will provide you with a retirement road map to show you how much your benefit will be at your preferred retirement age versus your current take home pay.

It is this unknown gap that is often the main cause of retirement anxiety.

Your personalised report will also provide you with a set of annual checkpoints to compare against each year to see how you are travelling compared to the road map.


Comprehensive financial modelling

Some clients find they would like to explore their retirement planning in more depth for example, different retirement dates and a mix of pension versus lump sum options.

This can be explored through my comprehensive
modelling advice service.

insurance (2)

Public service redundancies

If you are considering taking a VR and you are also a member of either CSS or PSS it is critical you get good quality advice on your options before committing to anything.

APS departments will often pay towards the cost of financial advice to assist you in making this decision.


Retirement planning

To optimise your PSS benefit at retirement, I would suggest from around the age 45-50,
exploring your current path and any steps that can be
taken to improve the ultimate retirement benefit.

This would include the consideration of your contributions, the impact of higher duties and/or adjusting working hours.