I operate on a fee for service basis, based on the nature of the service, and the time and complexity of the advice provided.
I do not offer a commission-based advice model. I do not receive any ongoing brokerage or commission from issuers of financial or insurance products. This extends to not accepting any ‘soft dollar’ incentives from product providers.
I do not have any financial arrangements for referrals with any professionals.
As part of optimising my advice service delivery, from time to time I may receive non-monetary benefits like education, training and technology software or support. This is needed to support the operation of the business.
I am required by law to keep a register of non-monetary benefits valued between $50 – $300 however I do not accept any benefits of this form.
Cameron Teague
I am owner and director of Cameron Teague Wealth Advisory. My practice is a privately owned, fee-for-service business with offices in Brisbane and at the Sunshine Coast. I also offer phone and online appointments to clients living in remote, regional and overseas locations. I have been working in the Australian finance industry for more than 20 years within both private practice and Industry Fund environments. I provide my clients with clear, readily understandable advice which puts their interests first and which will get them results.